Articles List

     East-West Issues:


1908 and 2008: Earth Monkey, Earth Rat

Asia and The West at the End of the 20th Century

    Beyond Ishihara Shintaro & Halford Mackinder: William E. Deming – 2012 to 1979

 Britain and Japan: Between Two Islands

Caliban’s Dream

Desert Islands – The Three Historical Temptations of England and Japan

Ideas of Freedom – Britain and Japan

“Independence Day” – Who are the Aliens at the Millennium Threshold?

Into the Bleak Midwinter? The Indian Ocean and Korea

Japan’s Crisis and Opportunity : Fukushima (Island of Good Fortune)

Must The Great Game Be Replayed?

Patten and Murdoch Quarrel – David and Goliath Again?

Richard III’s Bones & England’s Future: Lion-Hart-Boar

Syriana? Part 1

Syriana? Part 2

Tanabata – Conscience-weaving under Summer Stars

The 21st Century: American Dreams? European Imagination? Asian Contempt?

The Balance of Spiritual Combat – China’s Cultural Challenge to the West in the 21st Century

The US-China Relationship in the 21st Century and the Spectres of 1776 (1)

The US-China Relationship in the 21st Century and the Spectres of 1776 (2)

The Voice of Asia?

Tibet and its Guardians – between China and the West (1)

Tibet and Its Guardians – between China and the West (2)

War in Eurasia 2011 ? Adbusters and The Economist

What was Hong Kong Actually?

What’s Going On in the Muslim World in 2011?

“Where Is My Home? Truth Prevails” – A Journey to the Heart of Europe

Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now : Some Observations

Binaries, Triads, War or Peace between China & the West?

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 1

Lines in the Sand: Britain, America and the Formation of the State of Israel



     First World War:

       Annika Mombauer – Her Book on von Moltke Refuted

Harry Patch and the Panther’s Claw

Sir Edward Grey, Liberal Imperialism and British Responsibility in 1914 – From the British Empire to the American Empire

         The First World War and the Ukraine Crisis 1914-2014

Belgian Neutrality & the British Decision for War in 1914

Kaspar Hauser; Erste Weltkrieg; Beziehung England & Deutschland

       First World War Truth Movement: Recent Books

      The best book yet on the causes of the First World War

      1914, Scottish Independence  & the Future of Britain

         Rhodes, Russia and the “Islamic State”

The Poppies of 2014 – Goodbye to All That?

William Shakespear – Saudi Arabian Pilgrim

   The Round Table and the Fall of the Second British Empire

‘Narratives’: 1914-2018: The War on Russia, Germany and ‘Hate’





     Kaspar Hauser:

 Kaspar Hauser and the Struggle for Europe 1510-2010

KASPAR HAUSER FESTIVAL, Stourbridge, England 2006

Kaspar Hauser Festspiele (Festival) 2012

On the Esoteric Significance of Kaspar Hauser

The Ongoing Struggle for the Truth about the Child of Europe…#

Christ in Ansbach

The New World Order:


After the financial ‘Big Bang’ – 9/11 week 2008

Anthroposophy and the Question of Conspiracy in Modern History (1)

Anthroposophy and the Question of Conspiracy in Modern History (2)

Atlantica et Germania in Centuria XXI – A letter to a friend

Beneath the European Crisis

Dark Night of the World – Illuminating the Evil of our Times

Freemasonry and the Roman Spirit

Harry Patch and the Panther’s Claw

Long-range Plans of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Sir Edward Grey, Liberal Imperialism and British Responsibility in 1914 – From the British Empire to the American Empire

The Cataclysm of Sept 11th 2001 – Thoughts and Observations in the Immediate Aftermath (1)

The Cataclysm of Sept 11th 2001 – Thoughts and Observations in the Immediate Aftermath (2)

The Drive towards a New World Order in the 1990s – Equation 21: EU + NAFTA + APEC = ?

 The ‘Independence’ of Kosovo, and Camp Bondsteel

The Kosovo War and the New World Order

The Roots of the New World Order – the development of the Anglo-American Imperial Idea 1900 – 2008

          Rhodes, Russia and the “Islamic State”

Aspects of the Brexit Referendum – The One and the Many

Individual – Nation – World

1849 and 2017 – Thoughts on Globalisation

‘A’ Customs Union? ‘The’ Customs Union? British EU Delusions

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (1) : Why the EU Is Wrong for Europe

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (2) : The Continental/Catholic Dimension

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (3) : A Personal View

21st Century Fascism – The Coming Era?

2022 – War in Ukraine

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 1

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 2 – The 19th Century ‘Great Game

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 3 (Conclusion)


     Threefold Society:

 The ‘Abolition’ of the Spirit: The Enigma of Canon XI – The Year 869 & Its Significance in the Destiny of Europe

The ‘Third Way’ of 1998 and the ‘New Politics’ of Today

To the Third Millennium: The Third Way or The Third Reich?

Miscellaneous Writings:

 2011: Utøya – The Cross and the Roses

2012, Zecharia Sitchin and Pan-Babylonianism

Aspects of the Occult Significance of the Year 1998

At the Birth and Death of a Century

Axiomata and Metanoia – Changing Our Minds in the 21st Century

Blair’s “New” Britain?

Of the Slaughter of Cows and the Softening of Brains


Saturn Returns…

The Millennium In The Light of Anthroposophy

Understanding Our Time (1)

Understanding Our Time (2)

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – The Three Magi at Humanity’s Crossing of the Threshold

What was the 20th century ?

“The Wounded Cavalier” as a key to understanding British History

Where is the UK Bound? (1)

Where is the UK Bound? (Part 2) The Re-creation of Europe

Thoughts on 1914 in Relation to Scottish Independence and the Future of Britain

Charlottesville August 2017 – Where Is The Truth?

Philip IV (‘the Fair’) of France and Henry VIII of England

The Cecils – Father and Son

The Cecils – Uncle and Nephew

Musical Healing (Heilung) for European Culture?

“Globalism”, “Nationalism”, and “Identity Politics”

“UNITE Behind the Science” of Greta Thunberg?

NATO’s 70th Birthday and UN COP 25

The Incarnation of Ahriman – When and Where?

Coronavirus and Cosmology: The Study of World Events

Was it Really the “Storming” of “the Temple of Democracy”?

The Four Counterforces in the Crisis of the 21st Century

Three Kings and the Sun Demon

In Defence of Rudolf Steiner – A Response to J. Paul Greenaway

A Different Country? The 13th Century and Today (1)

A Different Country? The 13th Century and Today (2)

Auf deutsch:

 Das verborgene Leben von Philip Henry Stanhope – Geheimagent und okkulter Forscher

Die amerikanischen Pläne für die Außenpolitik des 21. Jahrhunderts – die nächsten Schritte im “Krieg der Kulturen”?

England 1918-2008: Vom Empire zur Kolonie der USA?

Sir Edward Grey, liberaler Imperialismus und die Frage nach der britischen Verantwortung für den ersten Weltkrieg: Vom englischen zum amerikanischen Weltreich

Kaspar Hauser, der Erste Weltkrieg, die englische-deutsche Beziehung

Warum der Engländer Stanhope? – Kaspar Hauser Festspiele Vortrag 2018

Eine Feier zum 60. Geburtstag in Rom

Lord Stanhope und die Gegenspieler Kaspar Hausers

Kaspar Hauser und die Schicksale Englands und Frankreichs


