To the Third Millennium: The Third Way or The Third Reich?

There has been a lot of babbling in the English-speaking media in recent years, most of it very unclear, about a "Third Way" in politics and even economics. The Internet is now stuffed with groups, media organs, even new political parties calling themselves "The Third Way". Many people, such as Tony Blair in the UK and his friend Bill Clinton in the US, have obviously had glimpses of this elusive creature. Serious academic tomes have been written about it. Social thinkers and philosophers such as the prophet of communitarianism, Amitai Etzioni in the US, have argued at least for the existence of its habitat, if not for the creature itself...
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What’s Going On in the Muslim World in 2011?

Soon after the outbreak of civil disturbances in Egypt in January 2011, on the well-known alternative news website run by Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson declared that what had been going on in Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen and now Egypt was "a cry for freedom [that] threatens to derail the new world order agenda". The 'Global Awakening' that Zbigniew Brzezinski (the USA political strategist) feared has arrived, he announced...
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Kaspar Hauser and the Struggle for Europe 1510-2010

This summer will see two events that will surely yet again raise the awkward question of Anglo-German relations: the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme , and the soccer World Cup finals to be held in Germany . For many Britons, the battle of the Somme has become almost synonymous with the First World War...
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On the Esoteric Significance of Kaspar Hauser

This is the third and final article in the series about Kaspar Hauser, the first of which dealt with the struggle for the factual truth about this innocent but complex figure, a struggle which is still going on today, as seen in the two recent and contradictory DNA tests. The second article looked at Kaspar Hauser in relation to the present and future cultural and political development ofEurope.
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