East-West Issues

Kaspar Hauser und die Schicksale Englands und Frankreichs

Posted by on Aug 14, 2024 in auf deutsch, east west issues, kaspar hauser, most recent | 0 comments

Kaspar Hauser und die Schicksale Englands und Frankreichs

Dieser Vortrag wurde in leicht gekürzter Form erstmals von Terry M. Boardman am 3. August 2024 bei den alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden Kaspar Hauser Festspielen in Ansbach, Deutschland gehalten. Guten Morgen. Ich freue mich sehr, nach sechs Jahren Pause wieder hier bei den Festspielen zu sein und ich bedanke mich nochmal herzlich bei Eckart Böhmer für die Einladung. Ich war 2004 zum ersten Mal hier und bin seitdem mehrmals hier anwesend. Es hat mich zunehmend ermutigt zu sehen, wie Eckarts Arbeit und die seiner Kollegen hier in Ansbach und...

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A Different Country? The 13th Century and Today (2)

Posted by on Apr 29, 2024 in east west issues, miscellaneous, most recent | 0 comments

A Different Country? The 13th Century and Today (2)

This article was first published in New View magazine #111 April-June 2024 Part 1 of the article is here: http://threeman.org/?p=3182 IN the presence of Rudolf Steiner during his visit to Britain in the late summer of 1923, on 2 September the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain was founded, and Daniel N. Dunlop proposed that Rudolf Steiner become its president for life, which Steiner accepted. After a lecture he held later that day, Steiner gave this verse to the members of the Society in Britain: I gaze into the darkness. In it arises...

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Lines in the Sand: Britain, America and the Formation of the State of Israel

Posted by on Jan 27, 2024 in east west issues, First World War, most recent | 0 comments

Lines in the Sand: Britain, America and the Formation of the State of Israel

 A slightly revised and corrected version of an article that first appeared in New View magazine issue 110 Jan.-March 2024 David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, read out Israel’s Declaration of Independence in the Tel Aviv Museum Hall on 14 May 1948; it included the following words: “In the year 5657 (1897), at the summons of the spiritual father of the Jewish State, Theodore Herzl, the First Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country. This right was...

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The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 3 (Conclusion)

Posted by on Feb 15, 2023 in east west issues, nwo | 0 comments

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 3 (Conclusion)

This article first appeared in New View  magazine #106 Jan.- March 2023 In the three articles I have written in New View magazine this year about the conflict in Ukraine, a conflict which has broken out 33 years after the momentous events of the year 1989, and 233 years after the outbreak of the French Revolution, I have tried to show something of the deeper background to the Ukraine conflict which, I have argued, is actually a proxy war, an episode in a much longer-lasting war that the West, or more specifically, the Anglosphere, has been...

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The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 2 : The 19th Century ‘Great Game’

Posted by on Nov 21, 2022 in east west issues, nwo | 0 comments

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 2 : The 19th Century ‘Great Game’

The two largest empires, the two greatest imperial rivals in the world for most of the 19th century were the British and the Russian. In the middle of that century their rivalry led to a major military conflict between them in Russia’s Crimea, a region thousands of miles from Britain and France, which those two allies invaded in 1854. Since the Crimean War, the Anglo-Russian antagonism has continued, on and off, until today in other forms than direct military conflict between the two countries. What is really behind it? Where are its roots...

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The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 1

Posted by on Jul 18, 2022 in east west issues, most recent, nwo | 0 comments

The Anglo-Russian Antagonism Part 1

To heal an illness, we must first diagnose it correctly; we must understand what is causing it. What then are the roots of the Anglo-Russian antagonism that we see going on related to the conflict in Ukraine? For while the local conflict there appears to be one between Russians and Ukrainians that has its own history in the decades and centuries of uneasy relations between those two Slavic peoples, it is also part of a much larger conflict between English-speaking culture – or rather between the elites who have been steering...

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2022 – War in Ukraine

Posted by on Apr 28, 2022 in east west issues, most recent, nwo | 0 comments

2022 – War in Ukraine

This article was first published in New View magazine No.103 April-June 2022 This year, which happens to be the Year of the Tiger in the traditional Chinese calendar, the month of March (in the western calendar) was dominated by the movements of the planet after which the month is named – Mars. When Vladimir Putin sent his troops into Ukraine on 24 February, Mars (lower aspect: aggression; higher aspect: courage and daring) was conjoined with Venus, and the two fast-moving planets were approaching conjunction with the very slow-moving...

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Binaries, Triads, War or Peace between China & the West?

Posted by on Jan 17, 2022 in east west issues, nwo, threefold Society | 0 comments

Binaries, Triads, War or Peace  between China & the West?

This article was first published in The Present Age magazine Vol. 5 No. 11, July 2020 If we contemplate the number 23, we can recall that the most famous Psalm in the Bible – Psalm 23 – speaks of man’s confidence in his trust in God’s support. The Koran was revealed to Mohammed over a period of 23 years. Biologists will tell us that normal human sex cells have 23 chromosomes, and astronomers will re­mind us that the earth is tilted at an angle of about 23 degrees to the Sun (actually 23.5). Without that tilting at 23 degrees, the...

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Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now: Some Observations

Posted by on Jun 8, 2020 in east west issues, nwo | 0 comments

Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now: Some Observations

    2020: Wu of Han, the 140s BC, China, Rome – Then and Now (April 2020) The following thoughts are offered simply as a stimulus for your own thinking about the present COVID-19 crisis. Please bear with me through some numbers in the first part until we get to the main point, which has to do with WUHAN and China in our time. If we think of an astrological Age e.g. the Age of Pisces, known in Anthroposophy as the 5th Post-Atlantean Epoch or the Age of the Consciousness Soul (1413-3573), which lasts 2160 years, then we recognise it...

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Brexit as a Spiritual Question (3) A Personal View

Posted by on Jul 8, 2019 in east west issues, most recent, nwo, threefold Society | 0 comments

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (3) A Personal View

This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 92 July-Sept. 2019 Chester, a city in the northwest of England on the border with Wales and some 17 miles from Liverpool, was the largest base of the Roman army in Britannia during the Roman occupation. The name Chester comes from the Latin castrum, which means fortified military base, camp or fortress. The city, which the Romans called Deva Victrix, was founded by the Roman Army in 79 AD, 46 years after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That was also the year of the...

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