Christ in Ansbach




The Working of the Logos


                                                                       The Beginning of the 5th Creation

                                                                         through Kaspar Hauser



Vienna November 2015

by Johann

on the PATH

(24.10.1959 – 25.3.2016)


The Beginning is the LOGOS

And the I-Man is this beginning.

So the beginning is in Man.

In the first Creation, human beings

Spanned space, chiselled atoms.

In the second Creation, human beings

Time space, life, the world of plants.

In the third Creation, human beings

Ensouled nature with forms, colours, movements.

The present human being, Anthropos, is to

Reveal the Logos, individual and original.

This brings the birth of freedom.

Yes, the creative cosmic Word wants

To become Man; we are allowed to determine that.

But the daily I is not the true I.

The I that is attention and empathy,

Free of preconceptions and limits.

So seek the PATH to true being …

*The Logos depends on us


I) Do you believe in God? People ask today,

Without thinking that the image of God and his name

Have been lost. His golden head

Was radiant in India; his silver heart in

Persia, his bronze will in Israel.

Buddha provided the soul foundation.

Genesis speaks of the Elohim. They are

Seven Sun spirits. JeHoVaH is their leader.

Actually, his name is: IEOUA, and Ieshua,

His son was originally named IEOSHUA. Through Ieshua

Was implanted in all I-hearts the Logos on the Cross.

Since 1998 this has sought to awaken.

Since Agrippa von Nettesheim people have forgotten

The names of the nine realms of gods above us.

God is not dead. He has become Man! All is spirit:

Around us, the world, in us attention and presence.

Where are we actually?

The atheist is lazy, the believer cowardly.

The I in our core is the seed of God.

*God’s name is simply: the Good


It is no longer the time to believe in God.

We must unfold spirit, life, creative powers.

If something is not right in the world,

We must put it in order ourselves!

Through war, misery, and sickness God asks: help me!

There is no good and evil, only what is good

And what is comfortable. One who wishes

To be served, declares himself a creature and finally

Ends on the compost. One who takes on

Responsibility without pushing himself forward,

Unfolds ever more godly powers. In doing so,

We must learn to be free, creative thinkers:

No more babbling after the fact.

What is the motif of my destiny? Each one of us

Is a living word. Let us distinguish between

Rigid, dead concepts and living thinking that comes from

Perception. One who seeks to do this sees that

The All is the body of God, evolution his destiny,

Human beings his sons and daughters …

*His oldest name: the ONE without a second


II) We must learn to think of Ieshua in two ways:

There are two places in the New Testament,

Which are completely unlike each other:

In Matthew, Mary of the Temple and

Joseph of the royal line live

In the house of David in Bethlehem.

The line of heredity passes through the Babylonian Captivity.

The Child is visited by the three Magi from the East.

They bring gold, incense and myrrh.

The parents soon flee away to Egypt.

The birth is about six years ‘before Christ’

At a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in the Virgin.

In 2 BC the cosmic Mary and the carpenter from Nazareth

Journey to Bethlehem for the census.

They do not flee and they are visited by shepherds.

The line of heredity through Galilee

Is almost twice as long.

Priesthood and royalty, wisdom and love become

United in 12 years in one body.

*Life is a living contradiction


Science does not grasp the Creation,

Because it only accepts the painting of existence.

Churches do not grasp relationships

Because they only want to hold fast to their rigid dogmas.

The Luke Ieshua is the Son born of the Oneness.

He has borne the Earth for 3½ eternities.

From Him has come all that is in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The Matthew Ieshua is the most-developed individuality on earth.

He was the pupil of Zarathustra and could be mistaken for him.

He has appeared since the division of the sexes

In the middle of Lemuria and throughout the Earth epoch.

The highest being and the highest consciousness.

His full incarnation was as Isaac. The Luke Ieshua

Had never before been incarnated. The wisdom-filled one

Therefore passed over into the bearer of love

In order to build up his body.

They were together for 18⅔ years before the royal one

Left the other at the Baptism in the Jordan.

Working to understand this is a challenge …

*Knowledge and religion are not contradictory


III) Mary wants to be experienced anew.

For this we need the power to discriminate.

In the third Creation JHWH accomplished

The division of the sexes, which became physical

In the recapitulation in Lemuria. Woman arose.

She had magic. She was the leader of the cosmic Mysteries.

She had no share in original sin.

There was as yet no sexuality.

She became Mary of the Temple of cosmic wisdom.

Eve came later, below the Cross as Magdalena.

The Luke Mary had never before been incarnated.

Michelangelo painted the woman who had remained in the heavens

On the left of the creation of Adam

This was unnoticed by most people.

She died at the age of 26

And had given birth only to the Son of God.

In the 4th century the Testament was altered by “correctores”.

Angels encouraged Mary and Joseph to embrace! Then they did so.

Mary, Johannes and Lazarus were all immaculate.

*Mary lives amongst us compassionately.


God does not intervene arbitrarily, magically. No!

We must all learn to bring immaculate children into the world.

In doing so, we must speak with the child

BEFORE it is conceived! In the will to conceive.

The goddess was forgotten, the Holy Spirit.

She is the woman of the Moon, the Sun, the stars

In the ancient churches. One could name her in three revelations:

Luna (white), Philia (red), Astrid (black).

Then would the Trinity at last be again complete.

Genesis was written down in Babylon.

But everywhere where today Elohim or JHWH is written

Originally was written: the goddess. At that time it was right.

JHWH received his task as Folk Spirit.

Today female spirituality must again be freed.

Priestesses are urgently needed.

It is the woman who is prominent in the heavens.

The heavenly Mary gives her blessing from the spiritual world.

The earthly woman has been with us through all stages of incarnation,

Inspiring and leading …

*Celibacy leads to degeneration


IV) We live in Four Worlds:

The body in space, touch –

Life in time, hearing –

Light in the ground of the soul, seeing –

With an I in the centre of our being, thinking.

The materialistic worldview by itself

Kills human beings and destroys the earth.

For too long have children been forced into matter

And old people maimed in living corpses.

We have been through four Creations and

There are four stages of Adam:

The warmth-Adam, Man in the image of God:

Cosmos, space, mineral, form-being (divine).

The sun-air Adam, the Man of breath and earth:

Sun, time, plant, strength-sound (hermaphrodite).

The watery, divided, feminine Man (erotic):

Planets, order, primal animal images, primal soul images – image.

The physical Man of separation (sexual):

Earth, ego, human being, word as concept …

*4 worlds declare the open secret


This is researched in all realms, for example:

In health, in pedagogy, in art,

In agriculture, in the course of destiny. There is:

Body, life, soul, the Logos-kernel as the I.

The I-Man therefore needs 28-35 years

To find himself and place himself into life.

Three worlds were forgotten and were lost.

We therefore grope around, unknowing.

Even when we wanted to love, everything went wrong.

Since 700 AD the life forces have been lost.

We urgently need  a rhythm and pauses.

Everything now ends in burnout. We have to

Intervene and put things in order. Therefore

We bear four kinds of consciousness in and with us:

Logos-being (the child) – sound (the pupil) – archetypal image

(the youth) – concept (the adult).

The child moves from being to understanding.

The adult must win back the four worlds.

He can ripen in freedom to childlikeness …

*Life wants to open itself to us anew


V) Is there reincarnation?

When someone holds only to the physical, then

There is not. For the situation does not repeat itself and

The connections cannot express themselves.

Nevertheless, one grows after death and realises:

I still am. One can then lead only a shadow-existence

And remains the plaything of alien powers.

Every third citizen today is possessed.

This powerfully disturbs the balance of the soul.

If there were really no reincarnation,

Creation would be improper and meaningless, evil.

In the course of time, all balances out.

What you don’t want to do, what is done to you,

No-one else does to you. And: to give is better than

To receive. In the First Creation we were

Led through the mineral realm. In the Second, through the

Plant realm, in the Third we wandered through

The Zodiac, without ourselves ever becoming animals.

Therefore, we were always present!

*All suffering will become love


 Physical incarnation began around 15000 BC.

At first, it was a metempsychosis, a wandering

Of the soul. The Old Testament is a document

About how we slowly descended from the spiritual world.

We stem from the angels, who for almost 1000 years

Have the mission of constituting epochs of memory, not the

Ages of bodies. From the Flood until Abraham Man still

Had almost 350 years of memory.

Only since Jacob has Man arrived on earth.

It’s wrong to claim I was this person and that person.

That lacks the long periods in between lives.

Only with the pouring out of the Logos-I

Did reincarnation actually begin.

But this true I we first have to work out.

Normally, we are drowned in daily life.

I must learn to place myself every day into the Logos being.

Otherwise, I only live in ideas. They are blown away

After death. Therefore: here is eternity. Presence is now!

Reincarnation begins with one life:

The present one. I accept it gratefully …

*Attention! Your deeds will follow you.


 VI) Man and woman are the two sides of the Logos.

Like point and periphery, like No and Yes!

The feminine lives in the periphery, accepts all things.

It consists of unconditional devotion.

First, it exists and seeks to connect everything with

Everything else. That is the power of a will, pure being.

This kind of devotion was lost 5000 years ago.

The masculine strives towards to the point; it pushes Everything back. It consists of undivided attention.

It penetrates everything in the search for depth of knowledge.

The feminine protects life, existence.

The masculine seeks the experience of death.

The feminine accepts the body in the present.

The masculine lives in the soul, in the eternal Ideal.

Both should support, complement and serve each other.

It is about harmony in contradiction. The woman

Is inwardly masculine, the man inwardly feminine.

He helps her to the I – she helps him to the You.

Today this is no longer affirmed nor practised.

*We learn to distinguish: creative – destructive


 It is about the emancipation of both sexes.

Let us therefore begin from the beginning. For we

Can say neither Yes nor No. It is chaos.

We practise the archetypal feminine gesture in the evening,

After our daily work: we accept the periphery in that

We bless it, so that it becomes good. This blessing

Can be accomplished in singing and dancing.

The archetypal masculine gesture we practise in the morning,

Before sunrise: we gather ourselves into our heart

In the unborn. We let go, relaxing the body:

I am! Away with all thoughts, back to

Undivided attention, for a new beginning.

Feminine devotion, surrender, primal trust –

Masculine attention, concentration, penetration.

When that is practised, assured, the I am practising in time

The complementarity: a man full of devotion, a woman

With clear self-knowledge. Man/woman are half

Creatures. Ultimately, we will be Logos beings. This means:

Attention and compassion at the same time, now …

*Logos is feminine and masculine at the same time


 VII) Who is the All-Christ? The Word Christ

Is not in the New Testament. It speaks of

The Messiah, the One who is sent, the healer.

Ieshua the World Soul, the Soul,

Who bears the Earth. In the Beginning there was only Him.

Er separated the Earth, Nature, human beings from Himself.

In Germanic cultures he was called Ymir and In India

He was Atma. The concept Christ

Comes from the Tarot, the Hebrew ABC.

There the Creation is described in 22 stages of initiation.

I/Yod stands for the human being,

CHRSHT for the highest stages.

Ieshua is everything within the atmosphere of the Earth.

Christ stands for all that is cosmic. Translated, it is:

CH       Giver of the Logos power of the I

R          Master of the worlds of soul

Sh        Source of all life and of all that is alive

T          Lord of the elements  and of the Earth

I           for the growth of the I of the free human being …

*What is “I” (ICH) actually?


 At every level there is a Christ bearer.

For human beings the Father: Ieshua Christ.

For the angels the lion-headed one : Ra-El-Christ.

For the planetary archangels: Michael Christ.

And for the Archai of the First Creation: Vidar Christ.

The Luke Ieshua protects the Spirit-Body

And no longer incarnates on Earth.

The Matthew Ieshua incarnates every 100 years

And leads us to the Fifth Creation.

When people speak of Christ, they mostly mean

Their deeper I, which lights up at the age of

14⅓, 23⅓, 30⅓. Today, we must work to understand:

Not Christ in me, Christ in the other!

More angels are dying because we are not going

Our WAY and the Folk Spirits have to become angry.

The All-Christ is the union of Ieshua, Rael, Michael, Vidar

Today. For matter and the senses are to be fully christened:

From the existence of the body to the body of existence …

*There has been Christ since the touch of Thomas


VIII) Death becomes the transition

The grandfather is a convinced materialist. He believes

That after death there is nothing else. He dies.

Then his granddaughter wakes every midnight with

Foam around her mouth and speaks in a deep voice.

She is in danger of being put in a madhouse …

After death our passage runs as follows:

The physical body sinks down into space.

Within three days pictures and life forces are released.

There is a panoramic review of the life that has passed.

This is best done with friends who maintain a vigil in familiar Surroundings. For ⅓ of the past life we work through

That experience in the dream world.

The life forces have long since been inscribed

Into the widths of space. The soul journeys

Through the spheres: Moon – letting go, Mercury – healing,

All attachments are now to cease. Venus –

One enters into the Other and experiences what one has

Done to others, in one’s own body! Compensation.

*Death is like a wedding.


A model of the next life is sculpted

Ahead of time by the Other.

One passes through the Sun Sphere

And experiences the meaning of Creation.

One is allowed to grasp the world with the eyes of God.

That ripens one’s decision for one’s next life.

One turns about and clothes oneself anew, beholds

One’s coming karma and accepts it, seeks out

One’s parents and is reborn. A period of incarnation

After 300-350 years if one dies after the age of 35.

Material life is held in arrest. Ever more forces

Can no longer be released after death.

One comes back into the world, having “slept inadequately”.

Our angel puts on dark clothes.

One who does not nurture the spiritual in life

Cannot work creatively at the Earth after death.

An ocean of people remain weak in death.

They fall into a hole. This has consequences

For the whole of Earth evolution. Standstill ….

*One who lives rightly can also die rightly.


 IX) The problem is the intellect

We are spiritual beings in four worlds.

As small children we are at one with everything. Intuition.

We practise such magic as standing up, speaking, thinking.

And we live in a kind of trance, beyond gender.

As young pupils at school we are open to the world. Inspiration.

We can place ourselves in other beings, even in trees.

Often we are awake in dreamland, open to Nature.

We act out of a kind of deep sleep.

We are still bisexual, hermaphrodite.

As adolescents we are interested in the world.

Puberty is also a maturing of the world. And we

Live wholly in the periphery, in the realm of the folk spirit.

Visions, dreams, images are determined for us.

As adults we become physical, in the intellect.

The ego condition establishes itself. Three worlds:

Spirit (word), soul (sound), life (image) are forgotten.

Knowing and doing remain: dead concepts, power.

This is the condition of the sickness of sin.

*How stupid actually can intelligence be?


Intellect appears to give security, a grip on things.

It bestows clear contours, memory, boundaries.

We do not see through the death process within it.

Concepts are end-products and resemble shit.

No-one eats again what he has already eaten.

But in the intellect we chew on it over and over.

This is why we live in a civilisation of death.

Let us look once more into the eyes of the sickness of sin:

All day long we live within fixed, rigid thoughts.

We are thus constantly focused on the ‘person’.

But our knowledge has long since passed that by!

We gradually come to pass life by, the Now.

And the worst is that we no longer feel.

Three higher worlds are forgotten at the same time.

Unless we practise image  – sound – essence

We lose the connection to the soul’s depths, to the

Processes of life, to the body, that is, to health.

We must turn around and win back

The 3 gifts of the Magi from the East and ripen to the childlike …

*Knowledge is, in truth, ignorance


X) The daily self is not the true I.

Our senses serve us conveniently.

And we live in dead concepts, in an inner dialogue.

It has no foundation and always gets lost.

Perception is reality:

Remain in perception and you are in the I!

And: we are UNABLE to think at all.

We constantly recall what we have heard.

Our ideas are therefore all untested.

What is the original motif of my destiny?

I find my way to thinking through questioning and writing.

Let us learn to think freely and creatively!

The child descends from being, to sound, image,

And concept. That is incarnation. We adults

Should rise from concept to archetypal image (adolescence),

To archetypal sound (childhood), to being (infancy).

The true human being goes through seven stages of the I.

The true I is undivided attention

And unconditional devotion: we are truthfulness!

*We cannot think, because we want too much.


Let us distinguish firmly between ideas and

Perception. Behind ideas is hidden

Fear. We must learn to let go, many times a day.

Behind the clinging is hidden pain, displeasure.

We must accept suffering, as a life counsellor.

How does suffering speak, what is its message?

Half of mankind clings to reality.

That is too deep, it leads to addiction.

The other half is drawn out by ideals.

That is too high and leads to escapism.

Friedrich Schiller worked this out in his notion of play,

Which he sent as aesthetic letters to Philipp v. Augustenberg.

That is the social midpoint which is also there

In the blessings of the Sermon on the Mount: POVERTY:

Let go of ideas, I Am attention! Within that

I am always, livingly, at the beginning, unassured.

SUFFERING: accept and release suppressed suffering.

MEEKNESS:   act without feeling of self. What wants

To become, in the sense of what is good for the world? …

*The concept is a dead mirroring without being


XI) The Mystery of Golgotha has almost been forgotten.

People think: first, Jesus never lived. Second,

If he had, his grave would have been found. Third, He

Would have been married to Mary Magdalene

And would have had two sons. So, no Christmas,

No Easter, no Whitsun or Holy Spirit.

The churches have completely distorted His original Image.

What did actually happen? The Warmth-Adam hung on the Cross. His body permeated by the Water-Adam,

The 7 Elohim, the power of the FATHER. On His left stood

The woman, Mary of the Temple, her body permeated by the Heavenly Mary, Ra-El, the Holy Sophia. On His right stood Lazarus, the Sun-Adam, his body permeated

By the Separating-Earth-Adam, St. Michael,

The power of the SON. The Lamb, Vidar, goes as witness

Through death and resurrection. The Trinity has

Since then become human. Human beings received

From the Cross the creative Logos-I. Why has nothing Changed since then? This is what people ask …

*The primal fathers became the 12 Apostles


The church is not the Body of Christ, the Earth is.

Heaven is not the Beyond. The Earth is to become heaven.

We should not become brave believers, but

Enlighten our souls, spiritualise our lives,

Christen our senses. Become gods ourselves!

Ieshua Christ does not come from outside. He wants

To become a free original human being in us.

We already have a human self, the person.

Each for himself individually and different.

We must take hold of our common cosmic I

Which now, after 2000 years, wants to be born.

The whole truth is shattering: through the

Coming of materialism Ieshua Christ died

In the 19th century. He was torn from His fifth dimension

And fell. It seemed as though mankind was lost

The Earth wants to be obliterated. No-one has noticed.

Satan prepares to incarnate in order to enslave

The human I’s. What is the answer of St. Michael?

How can the Resurrection be continued?

*The unexperienced Good becomes Evil.


XII) Logos reveals Itself in rhythm.

The Logos does not intervene in consciousness.

It does not Itself in ideals and fine conversations.

That is the realm of the intellect, which blocks It.

That would also deeply injure freedom.

The Logos does not appear physically.

That would be material and forceful.

The reality of deeds tends ever more towards hardening.

Logos can touch consciousness and

It was visible in the concentration camps.

But that is an exception, and most people

Can not cope with such experiences.

Logos shows Itself in swings and loops,

In rhythm. It shows Itself and liberates.

Through it, free decisions remain guaranteed.

And life, in becoming, can develop.

Mass movements are no longer valid.

It’s about small groups of up to 15.

Then out of the being of the I, community can emerge.

*I was, you are, we will grow from you.


We meet in small groups, for example, monthly.

The archetypal images of the year want to be reflected:

Michaelmas, Martinmas, Advent, Christmas, Three Kings,

Shrovetide for the elementals, the Spring Equinox,

Easter, Ascension, Whitsun and newly:

The Eleusinians, the Feast of the Holy Sophia c.15-18 Sept.

Besides these, the 12 senses are to be deepened: e.g.:

July – touch, August – the sense of life, Sept – movement,

Oct – balance, – Nov – smell, Dec – taste,

Jan – sight, Feb – sense of warmth, March – hearing,

Apr – the sense of the word, May – thought,

June – the sense of the I in you. In daily life

We only use 1½ sense qualities.

We can purify the senses: 40 h of water and salted bread,

In the dark, without speaking, from 6 pm Fri to 10 am Sun.

And the senses want to be deepened and extended.

Otherwise, intellect rules and that is the death of the soul.

Leading thought: what is my destiny question? When and How do I practise attention, compassion and real trust?

What are we?  – The mystery of encounter?

*Can I place myself in another’s shoes?


XIII) Kaspar Hauser, the Child of Europe

Kaspar’s father was as a Zähringer the actual

King of Germany. He was done away with.

His grandfather** Napoleon was the Emperor of Europe.

His mother, Stephanie de Beauharnais, came from

Martinique, and so Hauser had Atlantic,

Indian roots. He was exchanged with

A servant’s sick child  who Stephanie

Was not allowed to see. The exchanged child

Was made to die in a documented list of soldiers.

Hauser was brought to Beuggen Castle on the Rhine.

When he had learned to speak and ask questions, he came

To Salem Castle and from there to Pilsach Castle in Bavaria.

There he was unable to stand, speak or think,

Kept in a dungeon that was always at the same temperature.

To this dynastic crime, an occult crime was added.

The highest-ranking Freemasons were involved,

And also the leaders of England, Prussia,

Austria, France, Bavaria and Baden.

*Napoleon ended the age of Mars, Hauser opened the age of Mercury

** Napoleon was Hauser’s adoptive grandfather. Hauser’s mother, Stephanie de Beauharnais, was adopted by Napoleon.


Lord Stanhope, a secret agent, had no other task

Than to find the princely child. 7 years before Hauser

Appeared in Unschlitt Square, Stanhope knew all about him.

He made himself Hauser’s adoptive father, and he used

The alibi of travel abroad when Kaspar was killed in Ansbach.

Appeal Court Judge Feuerbach, who had abolished torture, Was poisoned in Frankfurt. Stanhope was in the area.

Kaspar Hauser was a pure human being

From BEFORE the fall of Man. The speech of his body

Was clear: I will rule over no-one!

He was kept in darkness for over 12 years,

Which no human being can withstand. The words: “If Kaspar

Hauser had been able to rule, Europe today would have

Developed much further” is fundamentally false.

It implies a spiritual leader, but Man is to liberate himself.

But Hauser – only after his death – gave the strength for this

From above. An angel dwelt within him, so that we can Become angels. He had wanted the exchange and his death.

He was fully the human being of the Sermon on the Mount…

*Kaspar Hauser is a brother of Ieshua


XIV) Pedagogy is the fulcrum point.

We live in dead intellect, which is the actual problem.

The resurrected one died. Evil is strengthened.

How can Man become   creative?

Christianity is no religion, but a stream of life,

(Said Rudolf Steiner). The starting point lies in

Pedagogy. In the Waldorf school the life sequence

Of growth – being-sound-image-concept – must be followed.

But there are no more teachers who are

Grounded in Logos. We can hardly still clearly distinguish

The four worlds, let alone actually see them. Sweet images

Of Jesus and Christian dogmas – the time for these is over.

Intellect wants to be addressed only after the 12th year,

And then every pupil needs training in the senses:

In art, handwork, science. Teachers become mediators.

They are the ones who learn. Pupils should choose

Their own area of study in the senses: no more Pisa studies

And the curriculum. No more learning by heart.

Now they must learn through interest.

*Education is oppression today.


Today it is often recognised that the children who start

School are 95% genial. Those who leave school

Are only 5% genial. No more of this!

Are we to live in an economic fascism and taught to be

Functionally virtuous little cogs in the machine? No!

The goal is the creative human being. The child is the meaning,

Not money. There are three Christian tasks here:

-        Brotherly economy with the human being at the centre.

-        Equality before the law, free of arbitrariness and finally,

-        Freedom in spirit, also in schools.

In communism, politics determines the economy.

In capitalism, the economy determines social life.

Both are fundamentally wrong. A general threefolding

Is needed: of economy – law – spiritual life.

These three are our social thinking – feeling – willing

No more pastors. The teacher shapes the future.

We must beware of and avoid totalitarian systems.

So Hauser comes to us like a child.

As an adult, he has the consciousness of a five year-old.

*Adults should mature into children.


XV) Ownership and accommodation are the next task.

Many want to live in community. But when they are not

Grounded in Logos, it always ends in suffering and power.

We are standing only at the beginning of the birth of the

True I. How the individual goes about owning something is

Original. Groups of 12 to 15 people develop: who learn,

Lend, exchange, gift, share. Some of them buy houses

Which then belong to no-one. Soon people speak of

Basic security, so that all can have accommodation and food.

But work on Logos must go on as well, otherwise

There will be only abuse. Everyone takes what he really

Needs. He gives up the rest, to create more free space,

So not caritas but philia is the solution today.

Only when many communal groups pulsate with life

Is an upper limit on income required. No-one needs

To possess a billion Euros. So what do we do about this?

The most difficult question is marriage: possession

Is forbidden; permissiveness ultimately destroys

The clarity of the soul.

*It is not Christian to hoard wealth.


The intellect can juggle internationally.

The Logos-I needs perception, relationship.

It is no longer about profit but about social bonding.

Workers should work together to serve the Whole.

But there is still no I in sight.

Dairy farmers still don’t receive their due, because

In East Asia bad milk comes onto the market.

What is organic, living? A village should again

Become a comm-unity, with a baker, school, and park.

Now the country is stuffed with supermarkets,

Large central hospitals and large central schools.

Everyone feels he must have a car. The model for this

Is the body, the organ, the cell. Work and money

Must be available for people, not people for

Banks and companies. Development aid has led

Always to exploitation. Christian groups build

Houses instead of slums and bore springs in dry regions.

Every revolution until now has turned into oppression.

From the Logos-I works a gentle will and world benevolence.

*From the Logos-I flows moral imagination.


XVI) We know little about the angel of the Buddha.

When Buddha became enlightened under the Bodhi tree,

He knew that the Logos sleeps in the stone,

He breathes in the plant, and dreams and calls in the animal.

All is spirit. Gautauma wanted to go his way in silence.

Then his angel touched him: tell of your enlightenment!

There is no point, answered the Buddha,

For I have found no ears to hear it, let alone

A heart that is open for it. You are right, replied

The angel, but think about your own participation!

What do you mean by that? asked Buddha.

If YOU tell of your spiritual experience clearly today,

In 3000 years spiritual seekers could still awaken through it!

Now I admit you are right, said the Tathagata, bowing,

And began to turn the Wheel of the Law of the overcoming

Of suffering. This angel of the Buddha became,

As a follower of St. Michael, the Folk Spirit of Middle Europe.

The Folk Spirit St. Michael rose to become a Time Spirit.

And the Time Spirit became our new Folk Spirit from 1879.

*Buddha was involved in preparing the birth of Jesus.


There is now a Buddhist, Christian stream in Europe.

This means an inner training of the soul

Plus outer social brotherhood in the economy.

Buddha called forth another personality for Europe:

Before he died, he had already achieved Transfiguration.

He said: Ananda! If you had asked me whether I would help

Mankind in the struggle against Mara, the evil one,

I would have said no. All were shocked and listened carefully.

Buddha repeated his words a second time.

What did he mean? And then he let the cat out of the bag.

Ananda! If you had asked me a third time whether I would

Help mankind, standing by its side in the struggle against Mara, the evil one, I would have said yes! Ananda was Astonished. He was to transform evil. He is the new Bodhisattva Maitreya. And he took up within himself

As Dmitrii, the “False” Czar, the worst human being.

Maitreya is to waken Logos in the I of the people in Russia

Until c. 3500 so that the spirit itself can become free in us.

*The Eightfold Path is recommended for all today.


XVII) The name of the angel is Vidar. Buddha and

Odin were the same individuality, according to R. Steiner.

And Vidar, the son of Odin becomes the angel of Buddha.

He works as a kind of angel of humanity: he helped

Abraham at the sacrifice of the lamb, Ahkenaten in his

Vision of Christ, Jason with the Golden Fleece.

Vidar took the 5 year-old Ieshua’s magic from him

So that he could become a human being. And at Gethsemani

Vidar gave the magic back at the third prayer so that

Ieshua  could survive the scourging. Vidar was given

These tasks by the Holy Spirit Sophia. After She had created

Human beings with a piece from each angel, and all of them Bowed before her new creation, she asked: we have guided The Logos into warmth, air, water. Who will help me

To guide it into what is solid and to spiritualise what is solid

For the salvation of the Father? Then all became quiet

And the small angels hid themselves behind the large ones,

Who also made themselves very small. I shall help you,

Piped up the brand-new human being

And stepped before the Goddess.

*Vidar is the I of all I’s, of the first Creation.


She said: but you will lose everything and even

Forget me, your mother. Ask the others: who will help him

So that he does not go under? Again a deep silence.

Then Vidar stepped forward. I want to serve him,

As he once served me at the beginning of the Creation!

She said: you too would have to fail pitifully at the task.

Therefore, I give you my Son, the Lamb of God.

Then the heavens opened and the eternal Lamb

Descended to Vidar. From now on, your name is “Vidar”.

Protect mankind, the new member of the spiritual world,

For me. Vidar’s mother was Grid, a giantess, and Odin,

The prince of the sky, was his father. He went wandering

Like his father and looked for pity in the form of

The remains of leather shoes. From these, he made

For himself a giant fighting boot. While his brothers

Were boasting about their heroic deeds, he served

Silently at table. He knew that soon Ragnarök would

Break out  – the war between the gods about mankind.

He had to defeat the Fenris Wolf and raise

The new human I’s  – Lif and Liftrasir – into life for the Logos.

*Vidar is one with the earth (Grid) and the sky (Odin)


XVIII) We shall outline the Mystery of Pilsach as

Unthought-out, unfamiliar ideas as follows:

Around 1805 the world soul Ieshua died supernaturally.

In 1812 Lazarus was born in Hauser as a human bearer.

Until 1819 Vidar descended into the child.

He brought darkness, temperament, loneliness

As foundations of life. In 1821 the Son-Body of the

Lazarus-Vidar became free. At the same time  Ieshua Christ

Fell from etheric heights. Holy Michael protected

The Spirit-Man of Vidar. Holy Rael distributed the shattered Soul among I-men. Holy Vidar collected the destroyed Life Body and, bestowing his healthy ether body upon Ieshua,

He maintained Ieshua’s life in an intermediate condition.

From Vidar’s body of being, Holy Michael

Opened the Apocalypse. From the sacrificed soul Rael

Awakened depth psychology. Rudolf Steiner called

The whole process the repetition of the Mystery of Golgotha

In the Etheric. Only this concept. Nothing more.

No-one asked him about it. There was no resurrection!

*Vidar needed a human bearer: Lazarus


Hauser’s suffering after death was infinitely greater:

The Christ Power is now in the earth, with us. We must

Christianise our souls, then resurrection will be  -

Through us! As long as Ieshua Christ’s blessing was external,

We developed only self-seeking, arrogance, stupidity.

First we must learn to think freely and creatively.

Then, we should practise sense experiences with one another:

Celebrate festivals. The human law for becoming an I is:

Persist, examine, start again. By oneself and with others.

The Sermon on the Mount shows the sequence of steps

For this: poverty – we are nothing yet. We are attention and

Devotion. Suffering – we take the suffering upon ourselves;

What is its meaning for us? The wrong actions of ourselves and Of others. Meekness – acting without feeling of self.

The 3 opponents that have to be worked on are:

Fear of poverty-fear/knowledge, displeasure at suffering/Moulding and meekness-indolence: transformed

Into surrender, deep trust. We dive down into our I Am …

Into unbornness. Evil fears unbornness above all.

*Ieshua dies 300 million times a day!


XIX) The Fifth Creation began in Ansbach.

Ansbach appears like a higher octave of Jerusalem:

⅓ soldiers, ⅓ officials ⅓ church leaders. It is the

Evangelical Rome, even still today. The Mystery

Of Golgotha ended the Fourth Creation.

Everyone received the Logos-I. But what

We call “I” is not the true Logos-I. We call

Our inner dialogue, which consists of ideas

And Memories, “I”. It is the ego, the mortal person.

The Logos-I has been within human beings for 1800 years. Today, the call for freedom and dignity has flared up, even

In Arab lands, where the concept of the I was not known.

The two Mysteries can be compared with one another:

The stab in the heart as the sign of the Lamb,

The apostles and disciples here; at that time there were

120 poets and thinkers, Hauser in their midst.

Ieshua died physically, today etherically. The Adam of Wisdom was concealed behind Steiner who first saw Hauser

Free of the body. 2 thieves on the cross: Lt. Hickel

*All will be renewed: from the being of the I.


Hennenhofer the murderer. Annas lived again in Amalie

Hessen-Darmstadt. Novalis and Sophie von Kühn lived

Through double incarnations. Novalis, the former Baptist,

Died and was corrupted as Hauser’s father.

What a triumph of Jezebel-Herodias-Geyer von Geyersberg.

The child that was able to flee to Egypt was captured.

Ieshua experienced 3 days lying in the grave,

Hauser 12 years (!). Sophie died when still a child and

As Stephanie de Beauharnais suffered through all the stages

Of Christ’s passion. The World-I Ieshua Christ descended

And idealists only want to look at the loving couple Sophie

And Novalis? The 3 bearers of Christ: Vidar – Holy Michael – Rael are one in the salvation of mankind.

Vidar receives Ieshua in life until people grasp their true I. The Lamb Has opened the Apocalypse.

I’s are not yet conscious of Their responsibility.

The 5th Post-Atlantean Epoch 1413-3573 is one of Confrontation with evil and ends in a war of all against all!

*I Am Bread. I Am Light, I Am Door, I Am Lamb.


XX) Evil fears the unborn. Let us stop

Identifying ourselves with the body or losing ourselves

In consciousness of the past. Body is a microcosmos,

The image of the universe. We receive

Under the Cross the spirit of the universe. Therefore,

We must hold to: letting go – examining – beginning anew.

If we proceed from our knowledge, we strengthen evil.

Knowing and doing is the primal sin of our time.

Let us struggle for primal image – primal sound – essence!

Then working together as a play group is easier and deeper.

I let go of my dead ideas, grounding myself in the groundless,

In the I AM. Every day I begin anew.

The creative life is insecure. Instead of:

Knowing and doing … I practise attention and empathy.

For I live in you and feel myself open to the world spirit.

What is unformed, attentive, compassionate leads

To the unborn: what I really am is never born.

All that is around me – that is what I AM! And the

Still centre, full of empathy: that is the living Christ!

*One who wants to be humble, develops strong arrogance.


When I take back my Self, my Self first enters in.

In the renouncing of the knowing-doing ego, my Logos-I

Comes in. What wants to happen?

My fear, my ideas, my attachments, my displeasure  -

All recede. Fear-displeasure-indolence are my real enemies.

Interest-empathy-creativity are the gifts of my I.

He who does not practise the Buddha’s eightfold Path

Loses his soul. He who does not serve in social life,

Does not grasp what creation is. The unborn is free

Of attachment, of knowing and wanting.

The Now is eternity. The spirit world is here. What is positive

In the negative? Here in one’s innermost soul is freedom.

Otherwise, I am only spatial, programmed. Fallen spirits

Want to rule us through technology. 3000 years before Christ, Lucifer forced us into the intellect. Ieshua replied

For us with the Logos-Being. Now Satan is coming

As a human being and wants to rob us of our free Logos-Being. Only the unborn will withstand him …

Creation is much more than that which we know.

Seek what is not thought. Become those who become …

*The 5th Creation flows from that which is not object


CHRIST IN ANSBACH, Overview, Prologue 0

I)                  God

II)                Twofold

III)              Mary

IV)             4 worlds

V)               Reincarnation

VI)             Man and woman

VII)           All-Christ

VIII)          Death

IX)              Intellect

X)                True I

XI)              Golgotha

XII)            Rhythm

XIII)           Kaspar Hauser

XIV)           Pedagogy

XV)             Ownership and property

XVI)           Buddha

XVII)         Vidar

XVIII)       Pilsach

XIX)          5th Creation

XX)            The Unborn, Epilogue


These words were spoken in:

Ansbach, Nuremberg, Freiburg, and Vienna.

Nowhere was an I-man to be seen.

In the end Johann on the path was no longer able

To rent a space in Ansbach.

The theme “Angel Kaspar Hauser” became the cause of panic.

In Dornach he was blacklisted.

The Kaspar Hauser  – Vidar connection

Was the cause of discrimination against him; he was shunned.

His best friends turned away from him.

As long as he gave his pupils wisdom and humour,

They were apparently all fire and flame.

But when he asked them for practice and decision,

They suddenly all disappeared.

We want to remain just as we are!

The spirit of darkness goes on with his chess moves:

He already has dreamland well under control.

He is now preparing a natural disaster …

*Holy Michael, save us in this peril!


This translation is placed here in remembrance of the writer, whom I was grateful to have met for the first time in 2004 in Ansbach (Germany), and thereafter several times, always around the biannual Kaspar Hauser Festspiele (festivals) in Ansbach  – until his death in 2016. The translation will be followed by others from his works.

- Terry Boardman


Illustration: water colour by Kaspar Hauser