This article was first published in New View magazine #113 October-December 2024 – Title illustration by David Newbatt (2006) from Kaspar Hauser – Where did he come from? (2006) by Terry Boardman This summer I went again to the Kaspar Hauser Festspiele (festival) that is held every two years in the south German city of Ansbach. I have been going to the Festspiele since 2004. It is a festival that has been organised since 1998 by its multi-talented director, Eckart Boehmer, and commemorates the life of the remarkable phenomenon...
read moreThis article was first published in New View magazine #112 Summer 2024 We are now perhaps far enough away from the 1960s to be able to look back on that decade – and many of us are still alive who can remember what it was like to be young at that time – and realise that it was a time that is extraordinarily pregnant with meaning and vividly illustrative of the contemporary spiritual struggles going on then, which in many ways prepared and seeded the ground for much, though of course not all, of what is occurring today. After all, 63 years...
read moreDieser Vortrag von Terry M. Boardman wurde bei den zweijährlichen Kaspar-Hauser-Festspiele in Ansbach Deutschland am 1. August 2020 durch Eckart Boehmer, der Intendant der Festspiele, vorgelesen. In verschiedenen Kulturen halten Menschen Vorträge auf unterschiedliche Weise. In Japan ist es beispielsweise nicht üblich, einen Vortrag mit einem Witz oder etwas Unbeschwertes zu beginnen. In England dagegn ist das sehr oft der Fall – um das Eis zu „brechen“, wie die Briten sagen, das Eis, von dem angenommen wird, dass es bereits...
read moreDieser Vortrag wurde in leicht gekürzter Form erstmals von Terry M. Boardman am 3. August 2024 bei den alle zwei Jahre stattfindenden Kaspar Hauser Festspielen in Ansbach, Deutschland gehalten. Guten Morgen. Ich freue mich sehr, nach sechs Jahren Pause wieder hier bei den Festspielen zu sein und ich bedanke mich nochmal herzlich bei Eckart Böhmer für die Einladung. Ich war 2004 zum ersten Mal hier und bin seitdem mehrmals hier anwesend. Es hat mich zunehmend ermutigt zu sehen, wie Eckarts Arbeit und die seiner Kollegen hier in Ansbach und...
read moreCHRIST IN ANSBACH The Working of the Logos Or The Beginning of the 5th Creation through Kaspar Hauser Vienna November...
read moreThis article was first published in New View magazine #111 April-June 2024 Part 1 of the article is here: IN the presence of Rudolf Steiner during his visit to Britain in the late summer of 1923, on 2 September the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain was founded, and Daniel N. Dunlop proposed that Rudolf Steiner become its president for life, which Steiner accepted. After a lecture he held later that day, Steiner gave this verse to the members of the Society in Britain: I gaze into the darkness. In it arises...
read moreThis article was first published in New View magazine #109 Oct-Dec 2023 “The past is a different country; they do things differently there”. – L.P. Hartley in The Go-Between (1953) This past summer my wife and I escaped the relentless eight weeks of the cool, dull, grey English “summer”, in which we rarely saw the sun, (at least where I live) and headed off to the south of France, where the temperature was rarely below 32°C while we were there. For many years we had intended to go to...
read moreA slightly revised and corrected version of an article that first appeared in New View magazine issue 110 Jan.-March 2024 David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, read out Israel’s Declaration of Independence in the Tel Aviv Museum Hall on 14 May 1948; it included the following words: “In the year 5657 (1897), at the summons of the spiritual father of the Jewish State, Theodore Herzl, the First Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country. This right was...
read moreThis article first appeared in New View magazine Issue #108 July-Sept 2023 To the majestic heights of summer The Sun’s brilliant being arises It draws my human feeling out And into its vast expanse of space. Intuitively, within my soul A sense is stirring that dimly tells me: In future time you will understand That you now were perceived by a being divine. from Rudolf Steiner, The Calendar of the Soul, 10th week 9-15 June There are two moods in “Summer” from Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” suite which most aptly portray in...
read moreThis article first appeared in New View magazine #107 April-June 2023 People born in the middle of a century, like me (1952), tend to look back to the beginning of the century, the time of their grandparents’ youth, as well as to the end of the century, the time of their own maturity and old age and also of their own grandchildren. As someone interested in history since childhood, this has always been true for me. As a 12 year old already I had become fascinated with the First World War, was aware of the dangers of nuclear war and also...
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