2022 – War in Ukraine

This article was first published in New View magazine No.103 April-June 2022 This year, which happens to be the Year of the Tiger in the traditional Chinese calendar, the month of March (in the western calendar) was dominated by the movements of the planet after which the month is named – Mars. When Vladimir Putin sent his troops into Ukraine on 24 February, Mars (lower aspect: aggression;...
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Binaries, Triads, War or Peace between China & the West?

This article was first published in The Present Age magazine Vol. 5 No. 11, July 2020 If we contemplate the number 23, we can recall that the most famous Psalm in the Bible – Psalm 23 – speaks of man’s confidence in his trust in God’s support. The Koran was revealed to Mohammed over a period of 23 years. Biologists will tell us that normal human sex cells have 23 chromosomes, and...
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Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now: Some Observations

    2020: Wu of Han, the 140s BC, China, Rome – Then and Now (April 2020) The following thoughts are offered simply as a stimulus for your own thinking about the present COVID-19 crisis. Please bear with me through some numbers in the first part until we get to the main point, which has to do with WUHAN and China in our time. If we think of an astrological Age e.g. the Age of Pisces,...
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Brexit as a Spiritual Question (3) A Personal View

This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 92 July-Sept. 2019 Chester, a city in the northwest of England on the border with Wales and some 17 miles from Liverpool, was the largest base of the Roman army in Britannia during the Roman occupation. The name Chester comes from the Latin castrum, which means fortified military base, camp or fortress. The city, which the Romans called...
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Echoes of the 9th Century in Our Time

This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 81 Autumn 2016 “Matthew was an angel as a young child – sensitive, well-behaved, affectionate, often joyful, and often dreaming away on another plane. After turning nine, however, he soon changed into quite a different person.  He was sometimes rude and critical, and often moody if not downright wretched…. Prior to age seven or...
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Britain and Japan: “Wolf Hall” and “The War of Flowers”

                                                  This article was first published in The Present Age magazine Vol.1  No.2 May 2015 Britain and Japan, the two major island states at the opposite ends of the great Eurasian continent, have played crucial roles in the accelerated modernisation of both West and East. They have both made many...
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