Understanding Our Time (1)

by Terry Boardman This essay first appeared as an article in New View magazine  Issue 51 April,-June 2009  Bewilderment is widespread today. It is commonly recognised that modern society is experiencing a major crisis that is economic, ecological, political and cultural. We seem to be facing one of those major nodes of significant shift in history that have occurred in former times such as at...
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Where is the UK Bound? (Part 2) The Re-creation of Europe

by Terry Boardman This article originally appeared in New View magazine 1st Quarter Winter 2007/2008 In order to prepare for a discussion of where Britain might be ‘bound’ (heading for) in the 21st century in the positive sense, the first part of this article looked at where Britain is currently ‘bound’ (restricted) in the negative sense of the word and concluded that it...
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Where is the UK Bound? (1)

by Terry Boardman This article was first published in New View magazine 4th Quarter Autumn 2007     The English language allows the question ‘where is the UK bound?’ to be understood in several ways, giving rise to at least four questions:         what is restraining the UK ? What is binding its hands?        what unites the UK, binding it together, in a...
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What was the 20th century ?

  A lecture given on 17th March 2000 in Stourbridge, England  © Terry Boardman All kinds of epithets have already been given to the 20th century by countless writers and commentators – the most radical, the most heroic, the most wicked, the most awesome, the most exciting, the most trivialising, the most destructive, the most inventive, the most un-spiritual, the most truly spiritual...
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Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – The Three Magi at Humanity’s Crossing of the Threshold

© Terry Boardman Background The three years 1998, 1999, 2000 are all intimately related to the number 666, which the Apocalypse of St John in the New Testament describes as the number of the Beast, or Antichrist – a Being who will pretend to be the Christ, but who will in fact seek to enslave humanity.                     1997 ÷ 3 =...
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The Millennium In The Light of Anthroposophy

© Terry Boardman   Nov. 1999 How can one understand the Millennium in the light of Anthroposophy? First, by recognising that the Millennium has to do with Christ. There are of course those who say that the dating is all wrong, and that Jesus, if he lived at all, must have been born in 4 BC or earlier. This is not the place to go into the complexities of what Rudolf Steiner had to say about...
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