Binaries, Triads, War or Peace between China & the West?

This article was first published in The Present Age magazine Vol. 5 No. 11, July 2020 If we contemplate the number 23, we can recall that the most famous Psalm in the Bible – Psalm 23 – speaks of man’s confidence in his trust in God’s support. The Koran was revealed to Mohammed over a period of 23 years. Biologists will tell us that normal human sex cells have 23 chromosomes, and...
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Was it Really the “Storming” of “the Temple of Democracy”?

  This article was first published in The Present Age magazine Vol. 6 Nos. 3/4 2020/2021 2020 - a year which began with hope in the West, despite the news of a new virus that had very recently emerged in distant China, a year in which many Europeans looked forward to celebrating the 250th anniversaries of the births of Beethoven, Hegel, and the poets Hölderlin and Wordsworth with numerous...
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21st Century Neo-Fascism: the Coming Era?

This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 99 April-June 2021 “We’re living in a world where things just happen, don’t they?” These were words I overheard from a conversation between two women in our local park recently. They were talking about the so-called ‘COVID crisis’ and expressed the view that events these days just seem to occur ‘out of the blue’ as it...
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Into the “New Normal”? Part 2

                                                                           This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 97 Oct-Dec 2020 IS it not obvious to everyone that COVID-19 is not just a temporary, unexceptional public health crisis, after which, once we have all taken the vaccine which is apparently...
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Into The “New Normal”? (Part 1)

  This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 96 Jul-Sept 2020 As we approach midsummer we can recall Rudolf Steiner’s stern characterisation of the Archangel of Summer, Uriel.1 The Archangel  of the historical conscience, Uriel gazes into the depths and sees through our errors but also summons us to resist summer’s languid dreaming and its physical temptations and...
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Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now: Some Observations

    2020: Wu of Han, the 140s BC, China, Rome – Then and Now (April 2020) The following thoughts are offered simply as a stimulus for your own thinking about the present COVID-19 crisis. Please bear with me through some numbers in the first part until we get to the main point, which has to do with WUHAN and China in our time. If we think of an astrological Age e.g. the Age of Pisces,...
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