The New World Order

One Ring to rule them all

One Ring to find them

One Ring to bring them all

And in the darkness bind them,

In the Land of Mordor

Where the shadows lie

                                  -  J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Lord of the Rings”


“…To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires,  the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.” 

                  – Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard, (1997) p.40


“Universal peace will come only when [the] powers have divided the world between them….or if one nation becomes overwhelmingly superior to the rest….people who can look forward and grasp the essential factors which will govern the future grouping of the nations may be able to exert a profound influence on the political future of the world.”     

                  – Arthur Balfour, British Prime Minister 1902-1905, in a letter (1909) to former US President Theodor Roosevelt 

If [Man] did not open himself to these tendencies to evil he would not succeed in developing consciously the impulse to receive from the universe the spirit which henceforth must fertilise the whole sphere of cultural life if it is not to perish.”

               – Rudolf Steiner (Lecture V, From Symptom to Reality in Modern History, 1918)


In other words, without the profound challenge to the human spirit and soul that comes in the struggle with evil, Mankind in this modern age would not develop spiritually, and culture would wither. The New World Order is not to be hated, but its challenge is to be learned from and in the overcoming of it, humanity shall grow.

Into The “New Normal”? (Part 1)

Posted by on Nov 3, 2020 in nwo | 0 comments

Into The “New Normal”? (Part 1)

  This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 96 Jul-Sept 2020 As we approach midsummer we can recall Rudolf Steiner’s stern characterisation of the Archangel of Summer, Uriel.1 The Archangel  of the historical conscience, Uriel gazes into the depths and sees through our errors but also summons us to resist summer’s languid dreaming and its physical temptations and indulgences and instead, to raise our minds to the heights and exercise our capacity to think with that historical conscience  – to weigh our own...

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Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now: Some Observations

Posted by on Jun 8, 2020 in east west issues, nwo | 0 comments

Wuhan 武 漢, Then and Now: Some Observations

    2020: Wu of Han, the 140s BC, China, Rome – Then and Now (April 2020) The following thoughts are offered simply as a stimulus for your own thinking about the present COVID-19 crisis. Please bear with me through some numbers in the first part until we get to the main point, which has to do with WUHAN and China in our time. If we think of an astrological Age e.g. the Age of Pisces, known in Anthroposophy as the 5th Post-Atlantean Epoch or the Age of the Consciousness Soul (1413-3573), which lasts 2160 years, then we recognise it...

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Coronavirus and Cosmology: The Study of World Events

Posted by on Apr 25, 2020 in miscellaneous, nwo | 0 comments

Coronavirus and Cosmology: The Study of World Events

    This article first appeared in New View magazine Issue #95 Spring 2020. The accompanying title illustration is of the rotating hexagonal structure, first observed in 1981, at the north pole of the planet Saturn.   Some 25 years ago I started attending an annual world events seminar at Peredur Centre for the Arts in East Grinstead, England, organised by the late Coen Van Houten. They were valuable meetings. They were always held in early or mid-January and they continued until the early years of the new century. The meetings had a...

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The Incarnation of Ahriman – When and Where?

Posted by on Mar 26, 2020 in miscellaneous, most recent, nwo | 0 comments

The Incarnation of Ahriman – When and Where?

This is a revised and slightly extended version of a lecture given by the author at a Der Europäer seminar in the Basel Stadthaus, Basel, Switzerland, 23.11.2019 and published in The Present Age magazine (Vol. 5 Nos. 7/8 Oct/Nov 2019 and Vol. 5 Nos. 9/10 May/June 2020) Rudolf Steiner gave 8 indications about the incarnation of Ahriman in the latter part of 1919. Before I turn to these 8 indications I would like to draw attention to some earlier remarks of his which can perhaps be seen as ‘preliminary’. On 16 July, 1918 (GA 181),...

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NATO’s 70th Birthday and UN COP 25

Posted by on Jan 2, 2020 in miscellaneous, most recent, nwo, threefold Society | 0 comments

NATO’s 70th Birthday and UN COP 25

This article was first published in New View magazine Winter Issue 94 Winter Jan – March 2020 To form any judgments about a phenomenon in contemporary events we can keep in mind three elements – the context of the event (awareness of how the event relates to the past), wakefulness (awareness of what’s going on now in relation to the event) and insight (understanding how the event relates to what seems to be approaching us from the future). With these in mind, let us consider two recent contemporary events: NATO’s celebration of its...

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“UNITE Behind the Science” of Greta Thunberg?

Posted by on Dec 31, 2019 in miscellaneous, most recent, nwo | 0 comments

“UNITE Behind the Science” of Greta Thunberg?

  This article was first published in New View magazine, Issue 93 Oct-Dec 2019 It is a challenge in today’s world to think for oneself when from all sides of our electronic public arena, from news broadcasts and current affairs programmes to dramas and advertisements one is being bombarded by the same messages, day in, day out. It is hard enough for supposedly educated mature, middle-aged people who were brought up in the world of print culture and private thoughts and imaginations to think for themselves in this situation, let alone...

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Brexit as a Spiritual Question (3) A Personal View

Posted by on Jul 8, 2019 in east west issues, most recent, nwo, threefold Society | 0 comments

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (3) A Personal View

This article was first published in New View magazine Issue 92 July-Sept. 2019 Chester, a city in the northwest of England on the border with Wales and some 17 miles from Liverpool, was the largest base of the Roman army in Britannia during the Roman occupation. The name Chester comes from the Latin castrum, which means fortified military base, camp or fortress. The city, which the Romans called Deva Victrix, was founded by the Roman Army in 79 AD, 46 years after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That was also the year of the...

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Brexit as a Spiritual Question (2): The Continental/Catholic Dimension

Posted by on May 5, 2019 in miscellaneous, most recent, nwo | 0 comments

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (2): The Continental/Catholic Dimension

This article was first published in New View magazine, Issue 91 April-June 2019 My previous article for New View: “Brexit as a Spiritual Question: Why the EU is the Wrong Direction for Europe and the Modern Age”, was intended as the first of a series of three articles looking at the origins of the EU. It considered those origins in terms of one of the two elitist streams mentioned that have been active in guiding the EU project into existence and maintaining and developing it since the 1950s, namely, the Anglo-American stream. This...

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Brexit as a Spiritual Question (1) – Why the EU Is Wrong for Europe

Posted by on Dec 31, 2018 in miscellaneous, most recent, nwo, threefold Society | 0 comments

Brexit as a Spiritual Question (1) – Why the EU Is Wrong for Europe

  This article was first published in New View magazine (Issue 90, Jan-Mar 2019) Brexit is not only an economic and political issue; it is also a spiritual issue, a cultural issue of our time, because the EU is a construct that contradicts the essential spiritual impulses of the modern age, which began in the 15th century. Britain, for good and ill, has played a major role in shaping this modern age, in which, according to Rudolf Steiner, the British people and the other English-speaking peoples who proceeded from them play a vanguard...

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‘Narratives’: 1914-2018: The War on Russia, Germany and ‘Hate’

Posted by on Oct 8, 2018 in First World War, miscellaneous, most recent, nwo | 0 comments

‘Narratives’: 1914-2018: The War on Russia, Germany and ‘Hate’

This article was first published in New View magazine #89 Oct.-Dec. 2018 On 5 September the British government revealed, on the basis of what it called “exhaustive CCTV analysis”, the identities of the two men it claimed had arrived in Britain on 2 March and had been responsible for deliberate nerve agent poisonings in and near the city of Salisbury. It said that these men were Russian agents working for the Main Intelligence Directorate (GU, formerly GRU), the military intelligence agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the...

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