Miscellaneous Writings

Beyond Ishihara Shintaro & Halford Mackinder: William E. Deming – 2012 to 1979

Posted by on Jan 24, 2013 in east west issues, miscellaneous | 0 comments

Beyond Ishihara Shintaro & Halford Mackinder:  William E. Deming – 2012 to 1979

This article was first published in New View magazine, Winter 2012. This is a slightly expanded version of that published article Time has been much on my mind this year, as I turned the round and weighty number of 60 in the Chinese Year of the Dragon, and my first grandchild arrived on Earth. Time has clearly been on the minds of millions of others this year too. The reason of course is the various expectations surrounding the completion of a supposedly particularly significant cycle in the ancient Mayan Calendar at the winter solstice, 21st...

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Blair’s “New” Britain?

Posted by on Jul 18, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

Blair’s “New” Britain?

© Terry Boardman  May 1997 After 18 long years it seems difficult to believe that the Conservative Party no longer rules Britain. It has been swept into the ‘wilderness’ by the Labour Party’s ‘historic’ general election victory on May 1st. There has been no government collapse on this scale since the (Iron) Duke of Wellington’s defeat in 1830. In the 20th century only the Tory defeat in 1906, again to a reforming Liberal Party, and Winston Churchill’s defeat in 1945, to a Labour Party that...

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Of the Slaughter of Cows and the Softening of Brains

Posted by on Jul 17, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

Of the Slaughter of Cows and the Softening of Brains

                          © Terry Boardman                                                         This article first appeared in the German magazine “Info3″ in May 1996   Rudolf Steiner bade us look through the outer symptoms of historical developments to the spiritual causes beneath. Sometimes those symptoms have to appear in a grotesque, almost ludicrous fashion. Steiner frequently drew attention to the significance of Joan of Arc’s...

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“The Wounded Cavalier” as a key to understanding British history

Posted by on Jul 17, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

“The Wounded Cavalier” as a key to understanding British history

What do we see ? Three figures in the countryside, either in or just outside a wood. They are between a single very mottled, slender and not very old oak tree (foreground, slightly off centre to the right and also leaning slightly to the right) and a lone low stone wall that runs right across the background  of the picture. The wall is broken to the right of the tree. Behind the break in the wall is what looks like a spruce tree, which in the 19th century was being used as a Christmas tree. There are many ferns and brambles in the...

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2012, Zecharia Sitchin and Pan-Babylonianism

Posted by on Jul 16, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

2012, Zecharia Sitchin and Pan-Babylonianism

On Nov 13th 2009 Roland Emmerich’s ultra-bombastic movie “2012″ was released. It injects into the mainstream public mind a major theme percolating throughout the minority ‘New Age movement’ these last 20 years or so, namely, the supposed significance of the year 2012 based on interpretations of the Mayan calendar – the notion that some major event is going to happen globally in 2012. This has been prognosticated  optimistically, as the entry into some great age of bliss and transcendent consciousness for...

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Understanding Our Time (2)

Posted by on Jul 13, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

Understanding Our Time (2)

©Terry Boardman This article first appeared in New View magazine Issue 52, 3rd Quarter Summer 2009 The first of these two articles titled “Understanding Our Time” (New View Spring 2009) looked at three esoteric concepts that help us to shed light on what is going on at this stage in history. These three were: 1) the fulcrum point of Christ’s Incarnation in the macro-cosmic inhalation and exhalation of human and indeed all natural life on this planet and the mirroring effect on either side of that fulcrum point; 2) the 2160...

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Understanding Our Time (1)

Posted by on Jul 13, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

Understanding Our Time (1)

by Terry Boardman This essay first appeared as an article in New View magazine  Issue 51 April,-June 2009  Bewilderment is widespread today. It is commonly recognised that modern society is experiencing a major crisis that is economic, ecological, political and cultural. We seem to be facing one of those major nodes of significant shift in history that have occurred in former times such as at the end of the Roman Empire c.300, the end of the Middle Ages c.1500, the emergence of the national and ‘natural scientific’ state c.1650,...

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Where is the UK Bound? (Part 2) The Re-creation of Europe

Posted by on Jul 13, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

Where is the UK Bound? (Part 2) The Re-creation of Europe

by Terry Boardman This article originally appeared in New View magazine 1st Quarter Winter 2007/2008 In order to prepare for a discussion of where Britain might be ‘bound’ (heading for) in the 21st century in the positive sense, the first part of this article looked at where Britain is currently ‘bound’ (restricted) in the negative sense of the word and concluded that it is bound by concepts of politics (party tribalism) and economics (the ‘free’ market) rooted in the late 18th century – a time when...

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Where is the UK Bound? (1)

Posted by on Jul 13, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

Where is the UK Bound? (1)

by Terry Boardman This article was first published in New View magazine 4th Quarter Autumn 2007     The English language allows the question ‘where is the UK bound?’ to be understood in several ways, giving rise to at least four questions:         what is restraining the UK ? What is binding its hands?        what unites the UK, binding it together, in a positive sense?        where is the UK heading for? Where is it bound?        in what way can the UK bound, or leap forward into the...

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What was the 20th century ?

Posted by on Jul 13, 2012 in miscellaneous | 0 comments

What was the  20th century ?

  A lecture given on 17th March 2000 in Stourbridge, England  © Terry Boardman All kinds of epithets have already been given to the 20th century by countless writers and commentators – the most radical, the most heroic, the most wicked, the most awesome, the most exciting, the most trivialising, the most destructive, the most inventive, the most un-spiritual, the most truly spiritual and so on and so on. Innumerable colourful, and moving examples have been cited in support of these claims. They have provided the stuff of...

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